If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments and are in danger of losing your home to foreclosure, a loan modification could be the solution. It could bring your loan back into good standing at a payment that you can afford, and most importantly it could allow you to keep your home.
A loan modification is not a refinance or a new loan, it is simply a renegotiation of your current mortgage terms that seeks to secure a payment structure that you can afford.
To qualify for a loan modification, you must fall within your lender’s specific guidelines and there are thousands of lenders in this industry each with their own set of rules. Members of our team have been working with these lenders since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008 and that experience can give you the best possible chance at success. Knowing that you have a qualified advocate on your side, whose goal is to save your property, can help reduce your stress during a very difficult time.
We offer full-service loan modification representation. We will complete your lenders application, prepare all the letters & supporting documentation, and will ensure that your lender or their attorneys only communicate with us.
We offer free in-depth consultations. We will take the time to evaluate your circumstances to determine your financial eligibility to receive a loan modification. At the end of this consultation, you will have a much better understanding of your options, what you may qualify for, and a plan to reach your goals.
Call us today to see how we can help.